Our Purpose
To provide peer emotional support and
development services to:
a. Washington state residents impacted by
temporary or chronic addiction, mental health
and/or HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases.
b. Target disparately impacted communities through site expansion operated as a dba of Peer Washington named for location and guided by a charter identifying the target community served.
c. Maintain safe space for members identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender
non-conforming or other sexual minorities at all our locations regardless of the target community.
d. Services shall be open to any person impacted by addiction, mental health or HIV/AIDS; however, outreach for each site will be directed toward the community identified in the site charter.
e. Our work is done in a spirit of safety, trust, inclusiveness and celebration of individual differences.

Our Vision
Peer Washington envisions a community of peers connected by shared experience in compassionate support of one another.
Our Mission
Peer Washington cultivates powerful, healthy lives by providing peer emotional support and development services to those impacted by addiction, mental health and/or HIV/AIDS.

Our Charter
Peer Olympia Charter – Revised effective 04/01/2021
Peer Olympia, a program of Peer Washington has been established to further the mission of Peer
Washington to the Thurston, Mason, Lewis, and Grays Harbor County communities. The Chief
Program Officer of Peer Washington shall employ and oversee the position of Director of Peer
Olympia who identifies as a peer with lived experience who maintains a residence in the South Puget Sound area. The Peer Olympia Director will act under the direction of the Chief Program Officer to fulfill the obligations of this charter within the mission of Peer Washington. Peer Olympia shall
provide the core services of front desk resource and referral, peer coaching, peer-facilitated support
groups, supported employment, and supportive housing. Services provided by Peer Olympia in addition to these core programs will include individuals who identify as active military, veteran or
experiencing homelessness and impacted by behavioral health challenges, and any other community informed needs in the South Puget Sound area as funding permits within the scope of Peer Washington’s mission statement.
An Advisory Committee comprising South Puget Sound residents with at least 51% represented by
peers with lived experience of behavioral health challenges will serve in advisement to the Peer
Washington Board to provide feedback and direction on the operations undertaken at the Peer Olympia site. This committee shall consist of at least three members with at least one of those members being vetted and elected to the Peer Washington Board as an active voting member. This Committee will convene a structured monthly meeting with the Peer Olympia Director for updates on the activities of the Peer Olympia location. This information will be shared with the Board of Peer Washington at the
monthly Board meeting by the voting representative(s) of this Committee with a supplemental Peer Olympia Director’s report to be included with the Chief Program Officer’s report. The Committee will not be responsible for hiring, firing, directing, or disciplining the Peer Olympia Director or any other staff employed at the Peer Olympia site. Feedback about employment will be raised to the Board of Peer Washington and managed through the Chief Executive Officer. The Committee may also include other non-Committee persons whose experience and qualifications may assist the Committee and the Board in the performance of their oversight responsibilities. A majority of the Committee members, present and voting, shall constitute a quorum. However, at all times a majority of the Committee, and a majority of a quorum, shall consist of one voting Peer Washington Board member. The Committee shall meet regularly or as called upon by the Chairperson of the Committee, and shall maintain minutes of all meetings, which will be distributed to the Board at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.